Document management solutions

Historical record management solutions

Historical Record Management Systems
Creation Specialist
It provides functions for real-time processing of non-electronic records that are being managed as written files and builds a management system for non-electronic records in electronic form.
The UACentre is in compliance with the General International Standard Archival Description (ISAD) in consideration of international use, and is a future-oriented system that utilizes the latest open source and open standard technology. It offers convenient records management and maximizes the use of cultural heritage records by establishing a historical records management system with anti-counterfeiting and integrity verification functions for long-term preservation.
UACentre Overview
Applies integrated record management in conformity with ISAD (International Standard Archival Description) records management produced in production systems such as electronic document systems and On-Nara System. IEvidence for ownership and use rights for own production, donation
Integration and systematization of all important documents such as photos, videos, voice, scanned images, electronic documents, drawings
Unlimited logical context placement independent of the physical storage structure
Supports multiple classification schemes and user-defined metadata generation
Function as a permanent archive repository
Providing web services for linking with websites and internal systems
Open source open, pure web based platform utilizing the latest standard technology
RFID based mobile library management support
Historical records management procedures and main functions

Collection / Registration
Collection plan management
Lead file management
Case file management
Management of the donor of the collection
Management of donation confirmation certificate

Integrated search
Detailed search
Classification search

Statistical function
by type
by type classification
by disclosure category
whether it is electronic
by status
by library
By acquisition method
By original collection place

Dashboard function
Chart of registration by type
Chart of original residence
Storage usage chart
Recent records
Top ranking
Reading rank
Popular record search ranking
Expected Effects
We offer support to improve business process efficiency.
Systematic and permanent record preservation of important historical records
Increases owned historical record assets (Approximately 100% - 200%)
Prevents loss and damage of important historical records
Enables use of historical records regardless of location
Standard record management in compliance with the General International Standard Archival Description (ISAD)
Advertisement of historical records that emphasizes tradition and history
Prevents forgery and manipulation and maintains integrity to safely preserve electronic records
Provides an open web service that can be used with various systems
Integrated management of important historical records, such as photos, videos, audio, electronic documents, drawings, etc.
Enhanced security based on thorough management of historical records and user permissions
Enables systematic and professional registration, preservation, and searching of records
Fields of Use
Use UACentre with verified performance and security in various fields.

General Business
historical contentmanagement system
Audiovisual Records Management system
Digital Archive system
Historical record management system
Photo Management system
RFID library management system

Public institutions
Special Tangible Management system
Audiovisual Records Management system
Public relations data management system
Digital Archive system
Cultural heritage archive system
RFID library management system

Religious institutions
Historical contentmanagement system
Historical record management system
Digital Archive system
Photo Management system
Video management system
RFID library management system
Success Cases
We support convenient records management and maximization of the use of archives and cultural heritage.

National Intangible Heritage Center


Gwangju City

National Institute of Cultural Heritage

The Korea Institute for the Advancement of Korean Studies


Gyeongsang National University



Bukyong National University

Namyangju City

Business and Product Inquiry Consultations
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